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Andy Bowers: How He Reinvented Himself As The King Of Podcasting
I spoke to Andy Bowers, chief content officer of Panoply, about how he transitioned from radio to podcasting, the differences between both mediums, the role of podcasts in the media ecosystem, how podcast networks add value, what makes a good podcast and his best advice.
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Report: Podcasting Awareness on the Rise
A new report detailing how people consume digital media is showing that one form of audio consumption - podcasting - is gaining new ground. The 2017 Triton Digital and Edison Research Infinite Dial report looked at ways people use audio and video streaming services such as Pandora, Spotify, Netflix and Hulu.
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Former TV Network Exec Bullish On Podcast Networks
There's been a lot of excited chatter lately about podcasts being adapted for TV, from StartUp to Throwing Shade to Lore and more. The chatter tends to be excited because it revolves around podcasts obtaining access to television networks' visibility, larger audiences, ad revenue, and the sense of having "made it".
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Journalism class begins podcasting
A new podcasting station launched by the journalism department of Don Lugo High School kicked off with an interview of four Lugo students who are members of a psychedelic punk band called Hexed. Podcasting, a form of audio broadcasting on the internet, was nicknamed "pod-Questing" at the unveiling of the station March 3 in the Quest Newsroom, which is also Annette Deming's English classroom.
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Report: Popular Culture Boosts Podcasting Numbers
Podcasting continues to gain awareness and followers, a trend that you can thank (or blame) on today's popular culture. A recent study released by Triton Digital and Edison Research has attempted to break down data about which audio and video streaming services are proving most popular.
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Is podcasting for you? podToPod answers
media update's Adam Wakefield spoke to founder Joe Berman and head of content Mathew Passy about podcasting and why they love the format. A podcast can focus on any topic, ranging from rugby to history, or even podcasting itself. When popToPod began, it came in the form of email, with a podcast, ironically, having pointed Berman in that direction.
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Why The Music Industry Is Finally Taking Podcasts Seriously
The podcast's blessing may also be its curse: it wasn't invented to be profitable. A popular early term for podcasting was "audioblogging," which alludes to its DIY origins. Anyone with a laptop, a microphone and a voice can host their podcasts on iTunes, SoundCloud and numerous other distributors.
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Get started producing podcasts and videos on Linux
Interested in producing your own podcast or video series entirely from a free software-fueled, Linux-powered computer? Here's how I accomplish that task. Feel free to copy my exact setup for your own use. Or take some of my recommendations. Or ignore everything I say here and do things better than I do.
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Spotify gets into podcasting with three music-themed shows
The first of the new programs, Showstopper, is available now and features The Fader editor in chief Naomi Zeichner talking with music supervisors from TV shows like Stranger Things and Scrubs. The bi-weekly podcast offers commentary and insight on noteworthy music moments in television history. A second show, Unpacked, will debut on March 14.
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